You have a busy family, filled with activities and yet you feel like something is missing.
There’s something sweet and wholesome missing from your kid’s childhood.
Growing up you went to grandma’s house, wandered her garden and snacked on green beans and sun kissed tomatoes before heading inside for a special treat.
I know. I miss it too.
I miss the “good old days” when my grandparents flower garden was exciting and shucking corn we picked up at the market wasn’t a chore, it was the best time we had all day because we spent it with grandpa and all the love he brought with him.
As we started our family, I knew I wanted to bring back some of that feeling of connection to nature, to summer, to outdoors, and to each other.
We moved to Romeo from our city house to give our kids the opportunity to learn alongside of us, I thought they would be learning alongside my husband Dave in the pole barn learning to fix up cars or work on house projects, little did I know that as January 2021 came around I would find a new source of connection.
My grandpa loved perennials and my city house had three perennial gardens, mostly filled from family gardens. I also had a large vegetable garden that we filled with plants from local nurseries.
In January 2021 I rediscovered a box of seeds, including flower seeds my grandpa bought for me on one of his last trips to our favorite plant nursery. I started the flower seeds (they became the inspiration for our farm name).
I also found two packages of beefsteak tomato seeds, since they were over 10 years old I dumped the whole package into a plastic take out container with soil, hoping for a few plants to grow.
*this is where the plant growing began*
To my surprise all 200 tomato seeds grew.
When my friend stopped laughing at me, she asked me to start her peppers, cucumbers, green beans, and pumpkins.
We talked garden, we talked kids, and we helped her set up her garden that season.
Now I work alongside my kids to grow plants naturally and organically.
I talk garden.
I share stories of my garden, discuss helpful tips, learn and then write about it.
I see my kids learn with their hands, we count seeds, gently move the baby plants from a small pot to a larger pot and be able to let our plants go home to other’s houses.
We watch them grow (both plants and children).
I hear stories about kids sharing cucamelons with the neighbors, making sure everyone gets some.
I hear stories about onions being small and onions being the best they’ve ever grown.
I listen to mom’s whose kids dug in the dirt, spent time together, ate their fill of garden snacks and their sun kissed cheeks are smiling up at mom… just like she remembers at grandma’s house.
Our home-grown gardens aren’t just growing us food, they are growing a childhood where outdoors, meets wonder and knowing where food comes from.
We didn’t miss this generation of wholesome summer gardening.
Will you be growing our homegrown plants in your garden this season?
Let us know what you’d love to grow next – hello@fencepostflowerfarm.com
I can’t wait to hear about your garden!