Cilantro-Caribe is an herb that has small herb; green in color.
(55 days) Open-pollinated. Caribe was the best of the ten strains of cilantro in our previous trial. Received high marks from trialers: “hardworking with lots of excellent eating foliage and great flavor.” Longstanding; was only beginning to flower on July 9. In 2018’s trials Caribe remained the winner in both taste and ability to hold in the heat. White or yellow certified-organic coating
Seeds are Organic from Fedco and grown with OMRI Certified ProMix Soil, Gnatrol, and Fish Fertilizer for nutrients. We have a great home-grown process to grow our plants. We are not a certified organic farm.
Plants will be available as 4 plants in a 2.5" Pot.
Plant Spacing recommendation is Plant 2-4" apart. Cilantro enjoys temperatures of 50-85*F. It can tolerate temperatures as low as 10*F so cover with a bedsheet, not plastic when temperatures dip.
Photo from: Fedco. This listing is for the plant meant for growing in your garden, not a harvested veggie, herb, or flower.