Rossa Di Milano (Red Storage) is a storage onion that has medium fruit; red-purple in color.
(114 days) Open-pollinated. “The most delicious of all the onions I’ve grown,” says Tom Vigue. This excellent red Italian storage onion is shaped like a buttercup squash without the button. It has the flat square-shouldered top tapering like a barrel to a narrower flat bottom. A few years ago our supplier lost this typical shape. Now our stateside grower is reselecting Rossa for both form and storage. Tops slow to go down. Encourage the recalcitrant ones by pushing them over. Takes a while in fall to dry. Very hard and keeps a long time, till May for Vigue. Adapted to 35–45° latitudes. Seeds are Organic from Fedco and grown with OMRI Certified ProMix Soil, Gnatrol, and Fish Fertilizer for nutrients. We have a great home-grown process to grow our plants. We are not a certified organic farm.
Plants will be available as at least 12 per 2.5" pot.
Plant Spacing recommendation is plant 6-8" apart. Our onions will have at least 10 plants in each pot, most have more. When planting hold onto the onion stems gently and squish the bottom of the pot to release the whole root system. Then gently tug each plant apart from it's neighbor and plant each separately. If a few of them are too tangly you can plant them together and would get smaller onions, 2 small onions approximately the size of one larger one.
Onions prefer cool, not cold weather, they should withstand 32*F temperatures, but if it gets colder please cover with a bedsheet, not plastic when temperatures dip.
Photo from: Fedco. This listing is for the plant meant for growing in your garden, not a harvested veggie, herb, or flower.