Our Favorite Products!
This list includes affiliate links where we receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you. We only signed up for affiliate programs for products we already use AND thought were great products, we did all the weeding on this list.
We have been using Botanical Interests seed packs for years! For our seedling sale these seed packs were some of our most successful (and TASTY) veggies we purchased. Most of our seed packs were purchased locally at nurseries around Metro-Detroit – Shout out to Bordines, Deneweth’s, and Ray Weigands!
If you want to order online Botanical Interests allows you to earn seed packs while having access more varieties that you might not be able to find in stores.

Seed Savers Exchange has a mission to bring grandma’s heirloom seeds to home growers. They not only collect seeds, they collect stories.
The Seed Savers Exchange is where many of our beautiful seedlings came from. The varieties were both unique or traditional. Our first season favorites were Red Marietta Marigolds, mini-pumkins for our fence posts, Giant Parsley, and flowers like Globe Amaranth and Strawflowers.
Johnny’s Selected Seeds is where most small farms turn to for bulk seeds. We found their green beans, snap peas, sunflowers, and tomato prices to be reasonable for larger orders. The quality and quick shipping is great and their customer service is wonderful.
Even if you don’t need any seed in bulk be sure to check out their “Growers Library” for great resources – their calendars and succession planting worksheets are SO helpful in planning. Under Grower’s Library check out “Planning Tools and Calculator” then “Plant” for the workbooks.
I know it looks intimidating, but YOU are growing plants for yourself and your family and that makes you eligible for knowledge and learning just as much as farmers who grow food for other families.
Garden Tools

Bootstrap Farmer has high quality trays and fabric pots for the small scale grower and home garderner!
Their high quality trays mean I can reduce my need for new plastic trays year after year. I love their fabric pots for potatoes, carrots, as well as tomatoes and peppers.
Check out their offerings here at Bootstrap Farmer.
Meal Planning
What is Plan to Eat?
Short Answer: Plan to Eat is a recipe collecting app that has a calendar feature as well as a shopping list.
Long Answer (and how I use it): Whenever I find a recipe online I click on the PTE (Plant to Eat) bookmark on my computer or “share” the webpage with Plan to Eat app. Then MAGIC happens.
Plan to Eat scours the whole blog post (ever had to scroll ENDLESSLY to find a recipe?) and it plops it into the Plan to Eat app, you can make edits here or simply save it to your recipe box.
You can schedule each recipe on a specific day of the week and you’ll have a beautiful calendar with easy to click links to each recipe.
BUT WAIT! There’s more! You can click over to the shopping list and for all the upcoming recipes it will tell you each ingredient you need. It might have 2 onions here, 1/4 onion there, and 1 onion for another recipe, but they are all grouped together so you can add them up easily there or in the store (since the whole app is online you can have hubbie cooking on the tablet and wifey shopping for tomorrow’s dinner at the same time with updates in real time).
There’s dozens of other features like sharing recipes with your friends or changing the # of servings so you don’t have to math anything when you want to triple or half a recipe.
I’ve been using it on and off for years. Just like any other meal planning tool it needs you to put in the effort of adding recipes to the calendar, buying food, and making said food… to be honest I don’t run meal planning like a well oiled machine, but I still love Plan to Eat especially during their Black Friday sale when they are usually $20 for the year!
If you sign up today you can get a free 30 day trial to test out and maybe you can get a head start on having 3 meals a day! My wish for you is a calm around your meal planning and I think this app is one handy tool in your kitchen.
Try it out today – This is my referral link and you’ll be added to my friend list where you can see my recipe library so you don’t have to start from scratch – https://app.plantoeat.com/ref/FencePostFlowerFarm